He can break 7 of the 12 rules of successful blogging and still get away with it. It's because of his authority. But you don't have to be the next Seth Godin now. You don't need the most visited website in Germany either. A few perfect customers who find you are enough. What are you doing to build your authority?5 reasons why your blog readers don't like you Vladislav Melnik BY VLADISLAV MELNIK 56 COMMENTS The benefits of liking are obvious. If your blog readers like you, then selling becomes easier. People like doing business with people they like. And that goes even further.
We say "yes" when our partner asks us to break an annoying habit. We say "yes" when our friends persuade us to go to the cinema. And we say "yes" to go to our in-laws. We're more likely to say yes to anything we know and like. While I've never been to a Tupperware party (and hopefully never have to be), these parties are based on Israel phone number list many of the principles we've talked about before. First of all, games are played where everyone wins. The law of reciprocity applies here . After that, the ladies describe the advantages and benefits of their purchased items.
So you make a public commitment and act consistently . And when the other ladies buy the €36 plastic sieve, then it just has to be good. The others do it too. But we have not yet discussed one important principle . to be liked. Because then the offer doesn't come from a sleazy salesman, but from a real friend who you like. She smiles, she chats and she serves refreshments. And as long as the product is good, it will also do you some good. But the question now is, do your readers like you? And if not, what can you do about it? Let's just look at these 5 reasons. 1. You don't seem attractive enough Whoa! Strong subheading.