When you visit your SEO message board or Real Estate Photo Editing subreddit, you'll see posts like the following: advertisement Continue reading below "Why isn't traffic increasing?" "How can I increase the traffic to my new site?" "What is the best SEO strategy for quickly increasing site traffic?" Traffic, traffic, traffic. Indeed, as an SEO partner, it's our job to increase traffic to your site. A good SEO strategy will do just that. But what is as important as traffic? conversion. You can have all the traffic you want, but if your readers aren't following through and pushing Real Estate Photo Editing buys or subscriptions, that doesn't mean anything at the end of the day. Remember , like everything, quality should be more important than quantity .
High site traffic but low conversions means you're attracting a lot of unrelated visitors. A small number of targeted customers are better than a Real Estate Photo Editing large number of looks. 8. Put SEO to "pause" So you built your site. You loaded it full of very useful information. You have created an SEO strategy and unleashed it on search engines. advertisement Continue reading below You are rising in SERP. People are filtering your site . Then slide everything. What the hell happened? You were doing well, it happened. You found that the SEO engine is working and you are happy. Maybe you think your SEO will be good for a while and focus on other things like improving your product line. SEO is not a lamp switch. It's not just a machine that keeps Real Estate Photo Editing producing results. It's like a royal fern. If you don't maintain it and constantly improve it, you'll run out of steam. Your rank will drop.
You again disappear into the ambiguity of Google's second page (or later). The main points are as follows. Even if you know what you are Real Estate Photo Editing doing, many things can go wrong. Planning, implementing, and maintaining a viable SEO strategy involves many moving parts. Enough to get someone hooked. advertisement Continue reading below It also means that you have plenty of opportunities to make small oversights and mistakes that can ruin your position at SERP. There. I've covered eight very simple (ridiculous) things to think about later, but Real Estate Photo Editing experts happen to do so every day. Happy ranking. Other resources: SEO Keyword Research: 13 of the biggest mistakes you should avoid Four simple (but harmful) mistakes to avoid when denying a link Eight of the worst SEO mistakes even experts make